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And this is my site.
Some of the thumbnails i've worked on!
Hoplite battle pass recreation

My experience:
3-4 Years using Davinci Resolve
4+ Years using Photopea
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Scale SMP S2 Mod Info.
You spawn in with your normal scale which is 0.
Killing someone grants you a scale point that adds an extra scale to your gui BUT you also unlock one that’s under 0 (in order) that you can select. It always goes in order by the way
Command /scaletree.
This command allows you to open a custom gui that shows you all the scales. Locked scales will be grayed out unlocked ones can be equipped by left clicking on them. This has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
scales go from -5 to 5.
-5 scale has decreased reach and is slower
-4 scale has a bit decreased reach and its slower.
-3 scale is a bit slower.
-2 normal.
-1 normal.
1 normal
2 normal
3 normal
4 has some increased reach.
5 has increased reach.Qualities of life.
possibly make nametags as big as they should be depending on each scale.
Possibly (NOT NECESSARY) Somehow
make a scale up/down animation on deaths and kills. A very simple one.COMMANDS
withdraws a scale point as an item./scaletree
Mentioned above